LandscapeHub Blog

Sourcing rare plants: How to do it quickly and conveniently

Written by LandscapeHub | Aug 19, 2021 6:49:30 PM

When clients request rare plants, do you cringe just a bit? Sure, you want to give your clients what they want, but sourcing rare plants can be time-consuming and difficult. 

If you only deal with a handful of nurseries, finding plants outside the norm can be almost impossible. Even simply searching online and browsing through sources outside your region isn’t very convenient. And one of the most important parts of sourcing rare plants is ensuring their health, as they are prone to fungi and bacteria attacks.

Most of the time, you’ll have to source rare plants for special projects. When substitutes won’t do, you need a better approach to rare plant sourcing. Using our team to help could be the answer to your challenges.

Save time

The worst part of sourcing rare plants is the time it takes to track them down. You may spend hours on the phone.

All this wasted time takes away from other projects and could disrupt your timeline. When you work with LandscapeHub for rare plants, you’ll be able to know with a few clicks which suppliers have what you need. From there, compare pricing and inspect the quality with descriptions and by requesting images. 

Easily compare pricing

When you have a transparent view of multiple suppliers, quickly determine which ones have your plant of choice. Pricing isn’t always apples to apples, so pay attention to quantity. Shipping or delivery may also be an additional price, so figure that in before making a choice based on price.

Check out the material

Even though you can’t be there in person, suppliers are often willing to supply recent, accurate photos of the plants. These visuals should give you a good idea as to the health of the plant and what growth stage it is in. 

Along with images, read the descriptions relating to the plant as well for context on its overall quality.

One source for all your plants

In your rare plant project, there are likely many other plants that are more common. Check to see if the nursery you’re working with has the other plants as well. If so, you save with just one delivery fee. 

Feel good about your supplier choices

Just coming upon a random supplier online has the potential to turn into a disaster. You have no assurances that the supplier is reliable and legitimate. 

On LandscapeHub, you are assured that every seller has been vetted and verified. You don’t have to spend more time reading reviews or researching the company. You will always feel confident in your choices on an open marketplace.

From our large seller base, you should be able to find most any plant for your project. Order and pay from one platform.

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